Saturday, September 5, 2009

Library books: Shiele & Avant-Guard

I'm completely obsessed with the library. I can spend way too much time looking through all of the art books they have. It's a good thing there is a limit to how many books you can take out, or I'd lose track. Libraries are amazing. The one right by my house is the biggest in London. It has all the foreign films I has always longed to see. I've decided to share some of the books I've recently taken out. It's also nice for me to have these pictures somewhere since they inspire me greatly in my art. My favourite book that I have at the moment is about Egon Shiele (pronounced Shiel-uh). It's got great colour prints of his drawings. They are so beautiful, a lot of them are very pornographic but the ones I am sharing are pretty tamed. Life drawing is a passion of mine so I connect with drawings of the human figure. Shiele manages to bring out the grotesque beauty of the ladies he draws. They are presented as vulnerable and so elegant. I could stare at his work forever. 

Early century Russian art has been on my mind lately. It's been inspiring my drawings and approaches to paintings. There is a large Russian art section at the library. These are the two in which I enjoyed the most. 

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